रविवार, 3 अप्रैल 2011

मालव संवत प्रवर्तन --गुड़ी पड़वा[मालवी दिवस ]

आज से २०६८ वर्षों पूर्व चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा[गुडी पडवा] को मालव संवत का प्रवर्तन हुआ  था. मालवा क्षेत्र से प्राप्त प्राचीन ताम्र मुद्रा [ प्रथम शताब्दी ई . पूर्व ] ,जिस पर ब्राह्मी लिपि में 'मालवानां जयः' अंकित है .मालव संवत ही बाद में  विक्रम संवत के  नाम  से प्रसिद्ध हुआ.चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा[गुडी पडवा] को इस वर्ष से मालवी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जा रहा है. इस अवसर पर डॉ. भगवतीलाल का एक आलेख प्रस्तुत है .

मालवी दिवस गुड़ी पड़वा
डॉ.भगवतीलाल राजपुरोहित

जूना जमाना ती ज अवन्ती ने वणी को फसारो मालव जनपद केवातो रियो। मालवा को दुनिया में नाम थो। आवन्ती नाम की पराकरत, भासा, रीत, प्रव्रति, केस, सजावट, पेनावो वगेरा की बाताँ भरत का नाट्यसास्तर के साथे ज कतरई सास्तराँ में मले हे। मालव महापुरस का लक्खण का हिसाब का चितरावण ने मूरताँ भी बनती री। मालव ने मालवी राग-रागज भी गावता रिया। मालवन माता को जूनो मंदर आलिराजपुर कने हे। मालवी लिखावट की लिपि भी थी। अबे वणी जगा देवनागरी चाले हे।
मालवी नाटक माच की जगा-जगा धूम हे। मालवी ढोल ने वणा पे आडा नाच तो गाम-गाम में देखवा में आवे। मालवी भासा के मालवा ने राजस्थान का पच्चीस जिला का दो करोड़ लोग बोले हे। मालवा का गाम ने सेर की बोली होवा से या बोली हे। पण फेर भी या अणी से भासा हे के वे नी वे हजार साल ती मालवी में रचना हुई री हे। राजा मुंज, भोज, रोड, धनपाल, सुभसील, पीपा, रूपमती, चन्द्रसखी, सुन्दर के साथे सिंगाजी अफजल जसा कतरई संत कवि रचना करता रिया । फेर पन्नालाल नायब ती आज तक की पूरी सताब्दी से नवा कतरई रचनाकार कवि ने लेखकाँ का हाथाँ से मालवी को भंडार भरतो जई रियो हे। असी मालवी का उछब को साल में कोई एक दन जरुर वेणो चइये। हिन्दी दिवस, संस्करत दिवस जेसो मालवी दिवस भी होनो चइये। जणी से वणी दन मालवी भासा, साहित्य ने संस्कृति की वडोतरी पर पूरी बात वई सके।
यो मालवी दिवस साल को कोन सो दन होनो चइये। तो जणी दन अणी मालवा को मालव संमत पेलाँ पेल चल्यो ने जगत जमारा में छई गयो, ऊ ठावो दन मालवी दन होनो चइए। तो साल को यो पेलो दन हे गुडी पड़वा। चेत सुदी एकम। चेत नोवरताँ को पेलो दन। आजकाल अणी मालव संमत को ज नाम विकरम संमत हे। अणी सम्मत के पेलाँ मालव सम्मत केता था। अणी संमत को नाम ज कृत सम्मत भी थो। यो ज संमत 461 से 936 तक मालव संवत केलातो रियो .अणी वख़त का मालवा ने बायर का शिलालेखाँ में मालव संमत केलातो रियो । 898 संमत से यो मालव संमत् विक्रमादित के विकरम संमत केलाने लग्यो। ने आज भी विकरम संमत केवाय। तो जो आज को विक्रम संवत हे वणी संमत् को ज पुरानो जामाना से मालव संमत नाम हे। तो एकज संमत-दिवस के हम मालववासी मालव दिवस ने मालवा का बड़ा वीर दानी, मानी विकरमादित राजा के भी याद करी सकाँ। मालव संमत नाम बाद का मालवी राजा रजबाड़ा में भी रियो। विकरम संमत आज भारत में तो चले ज हे। पण नेपाल को राष्ट्रीय संमत हे। ‘घर का जोगी जोगड़ा आन गाम को सिद्द‘। 
अब सवाल या उठे के अणी कृत संमत को मातलब संमत नाम क्यूँ पड्यो। सब जाणे के वीर मालवगण को राज्य थो वणा का जूना चिक्का खूब मले। वणी मालवगण की थापना को संमत हे रियो। या वात सत्रासो साल जूना सिलालेखाँ में लिखी है। वी शिलालेख मन्दसौर से मल्या हे। तो मालव गणराज की थापना को दन ज मालव ने मालवी दिवस को दन हुई सके। ने ऊ मालवी दिवस अनी गुड़ी पड़वा   [4अप्रेल] के दन आयो हे।

35 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. दुनिया को महान सम्राट राजा विक्रम भी मालवा को ही थो ।
    वनाने आखी दुनिया जीती ने राज कियो थो, अबे तो या शोध चाली री है की मक्का मस्जिद भी राजा विक्रम ने ही बनवाई थी।
    ने वनका ही नाम पे सागली दुनिया मे गुड़ी पड़वा बनावी जावे है।
    मालवा की माटी की याज खासियत है, ने उन पर क्षिप्रा नदी रो मिठो जल सगला जमाना ने काठे भी नि मिले।
    मालवा की माटी खूब गंभीर।
    डग डग रोटी पग पग नीर॥
    म्हारों मालवों ।
    जय राम जी की ।

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. Malav samvat was introduced by Ancient Mali Malav Gana people (Present day Mali caste) after occupying Malva. Malav samvat is 57 years older than Vikram's samvat. Mali Malav Gana people were ancient agrarian tribe,who were residing in and around Multan (Mali+Sthan=Multan) and near sangam area of Ravi and Chenab since time unknown. They fought with Alexander's Army in 326BC,then Alexander started his Malian campaign against them and attacked their fort like structure,made up of mud near Ravi.Alexander was seriously injured by an arrow of Mali Malav people, then his infuriated greak soldiers killed Mali Malav people brutality along with their women and children. Many Mali Malav women burned themselves to save them from greak soldiers. It was first recorded jouhar in Indian history. After this defeat, Mali Malav Gana people migrated towards south east in present day Rajasthan, Malva and further in Maharashtra and later spread in other parts of India. After occupying Malva, Mali Malav people introduced their own Malav samvat,which is 57 years older than Vikram's samvat. After occupying, karkotak nagar area near Tonk,Mali Malav Gana people introduced their own coins inscribed as'Malvanam Jay'.After wards,they were defeated by other strong tribes and their areas were occupied by strong tribes of that time and thus, Mali Malav people became weak tribe. Present day Mali caste people are descendants of ancient Mali Malav Gana people.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
    1. Bhai mali nhi,, wo malli h- jo ki Greek shabd se aaya h ,, malli --malloi- malav ,, ek baar history padho Puri,, glt information mt felao,,bhai tum har jagah ,,real information ko mix karke chhap dete ho ,,sharm karo thoda,,, or malav kon h to ,mp me malwa kshetra me ,or Rajasthan (hadoti -mewar ) kshetra me puchhna ,, then you know the real !!

    2. Whatever,submitted, that is based on historical texts & facts.One should study in depth about Mali Malav Gana History available in Encyclopedia Britannica and other authentic History books.

    3. As per historical text and scholars Present day Mali caste people are descendents of ancient Mali Malav Gana, residing in and around Multan(Multan =Mali +Sthan, place of Mali people ) and Sangam.areas of Ravi and chenab in ancient Punjab since time unknown and they fought with army of Alexander in 326BC and Alexander started his malian campaign against them and attacked their fort like structure near Ravi and fierce battle was held and Alexander was seriously injured by an arrow of Mali Gana people, then his infuriated greak soldiers brutally killed Mali Malav people. After this defeat Mali Gana people migrated in present day Rajasthan and Malwa and further in Maharashtra and later spread in other parts of India.

    4. One should study his caste history atleast on Google search, in depth, before submitting comment.

    5. One can not claim over the history of ancient Mali Malav Gana people (Present day Mali caste),although they are using surnames similar to Mali Malav caste ,generally derived from Malwa, as their caste people were/are from Malwa region. So,One should study their caste history properly and one should not adopt Mali Malav Gana people (Present day Mali caste people )History for them.

    6. I am a senior citizen and whatever submitted here, after an in-depth study about Mali Malav Gana people (Present day Mali caste people). One should know the manners and culture of language, while writing his comments on some other gentle person 's blog.

  3. Mali Malav Gana people were agrarian tribe and having skills in floriculture and horticulture, so where ever, they settled, (after defeated by Alexander in 326BC),they adopted floriculture and horticulture as their profession for survival. Mali Malav Gana people were worshippers of supreme cosmic energy "Devi Mata" and Mali Malav Samaj people are priests in many Devi temples.(2)After defeated by Alexander'd army in 326 BC,Mali Malav Gana people became very weak in Multan and surrounding areas. (3)In Malva, Mali Malav people were defeated by Uttambhadras(western kshatrapa) and became weak tribe. (4)Mali Malav Gana people occupied Nandsa area in Bhilwada(Rajasthan),Nandsa Yoop(pillars) are evidence of this occupying.(5)Major population of Mali Malav Samaj people is found in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and scattered population in other parts of India. Mali Malav Samaj people, who converted into Islam are known as "Maliar", majority of them are residing in Pakistan

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  4. Mali Malav Samaj prominent people:(1)Saint Savta Mali (Maharashtra), Saint Likhmidas Jee Maharaj

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  5. Mali Malav Samaj prominent people: Saint Savta Mali (samadhi at Aranbhendi, Maharashtra), Saint Likhmidas Jee Maharaj (Samadhi at Nagour,Rajasthan), Kranti Surya mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule &Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Phule (Pune, Maharashtra), Veerangana Gora Dhay Mata & Veer Hem Singh Gehlot (Jodhpur,Rajasthan), Kranti Veer Nakshatra Mali (Katihar,Bihar)

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  6. Mali Malav Samaj prominent people: Saint Savta Mali (samadhi at Aranbhendi, Maharashtra), Saint Likhmidas Jee Maharaj (Samadhi at Nagour, Rajasthan), Kranti Surya mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule & Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Phule (Pune, Maharashtra), Veerangana Gora Dhay Mata & Veer Hem Singh Gehlot (Jodhpur,Rajasthan), Kranti Veer Nakshatra Mali (Katihar, Bihar)

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  7. *Mali Malav Samvat* is also a Lunar Year, based on Lunar calendar and calculation based on lunar phases.It also starts on "Chaitra Pratipada".Mali Malav samvat is 57 years older than Vikram's samvat.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  8. Term "Malva" was also derived from Malav Mali Gana,as they settled there and occupied Malva area.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  9. Prominent people of Mali Malav Samaj at present time: (1)Shri Ashok Gehlot, CM,Rajasthan, (2)Shri Chhagan Bhujbal, Ex.Deputy CM , Maharashtra, (3)Shri Hari Narke,Professor, Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule Research Chair,Pune University,(4) Shri GR Khairnar,Ex Deputy commissioner, BMP, now Social worker, Sabarkantha,Gujarat

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  10. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  11. **Jay Mali Malav Gana, Jay Mali Malav Samaj** ***Malvanam jay***

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  12. Mali Malav Gana people mentioned as Mali, Malav, Malloi, Malian in historical texts available for the period during invasion of Alexander in 326BC and his Malian campaign against Mali Malav people is mentioned as an important event as Alexander attacked Mali Malav people's fort like structure made up of mud near banks of Ravi and they were brutally killed along with their women and children and defeated by Alexander' s army. Many Mali Malav women burnt themselves to save them greak soldiers. It was first recorded Jouhar in Indian History.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  13. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  14. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  15. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  16. In general,it is found that some of the communities using /taken their surnames derived from term 'Malwa' as they were living in and around Malwa.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  17. It should be a criteria for anyone to submit his comments with facts and figures in a cultured language, while using space in some gentle person 's blog.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  18. In general, it is found that some other communities & caste people are also using/ taken their surnames, derived from term "Malwa ", such as :Malviya,Malival, Malav, Shri Mali, Shri Mal,Malavi etc, as they were living in and around Malwa area/areas. But, it is well known fact, as per historical texts & facts and scholars, that present day Mali caste people are descendants of ancient Mali Malav Gana people, which were residing in and around Multan and sangam area of Ravi and Chenab & its banks, since time unknown in ancient Punjab and after being defeated by Alexander in 326BC, these Mali Malav Gana people migrated towards south east side in present day Rajasthan and Malwa area and further in Maharashtra and later spread in other parts of India. In UP,Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh , Vidharbha and Western Maharashtra , present day , Mali caste people are fully aware that they are descendants of ancient Mali Malav Gana and having a graceful and glorious history and past.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  19. Majority of population of Mali (Malav) caste people, descendants of ancient Mali Malav Gana people is found in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and scattered population is found in other states of India & Those converted into Islam, are generally found in Pakistan and known as Maliar & those are still Hindu, in general , found in Pakistan 's Sindh area are Mali Malav caste people.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  20. Mali (malav) caste people in UP, MP,Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh etc are clearly & categorically know that they are descendants of ancient "Mali Malav Gana" and some other samaj people are using surnames like Shri Mali, Malav, Malviya, Malival, etc , etc as their caste was also residing in Malwa regions.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  21. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  22. *Jay ancient Mali Malav Gana, Jay Mali Malav Samaj, Malvanam Jay*

    जवाब देंहटाएं

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